【ケロチナミン配合起爆剤】 副作用:ゲーム、漫画、奇行、浦和レッズ
材料 (4人分)Ingredients for 4
りんご4個 (Four apples)
砂糖 大さじ4+α (4 tablespoon or more of sugar)
シナモン スティックなら4本、パウダーならりんご一個につきおおさじ1
(Cinnamon 4 sticks or 4 tablespoon)
バター 小さじ4 (Butter 4 tablespoon)
白ワイン カップ1/2 (1/2 white wine)
お湯 カップ1/2 (1/2 cup hot water)
Remove the core of apples and put sugar (1 spoon per each), cinnamon, and butter. Place apples in a deep pan.
Mix wine, hot water, and sugar (3 spoon or more) and pour on apples.
3. 170度のオーブンで30~40分焼く!
Bake them at 350F for 30-40 minutes!
This recipe is not really sweet, so it's suitable for dessert after dinner. You can add more sugar and butter for kids and your sweeter side! It makes you feel reall warm...