【ケロチナミン配合起爆剤】 副作用:ゲーム、漫画、奇行、浦和レッズ
材料 Ingredients (15cm round pan)
卵 (eggs)・・・4
砂糖 (sugar)・・・80g
バター (butter)・・・80g
チョコレート (chocolate)・・・100g
小麦粉 (flour)・・・30g
ココアパウダー (cocoa powder)・・・65g
生クリーム (heavy cream)・・・40ml
Separate egg york and white. Shift flour and cocoa powder together. Melt chocolate and butter together.
Preheat the oven at 325F.
Beat the egg york with 2/3 of sugar. (It will be easier if you float the bowl in hot water and beat it until warm, then take the bowl off.) Beat until firm enough to draw a ribbon.
Add melted chocolate and butter in 3. Mix with heavy cream. Make sure that chocolate mixture is not too hot.
Beat egg white with the half of sugar, and add the rest. Beat unetil very firm.
Add 1/3 of egg white into 4. Do not overmix. Then add 1/2 of flour mixture and but into the dough. Add another 1/3 of egg white, the rest of powder, and the rest of egg white. Be careful not to blend too much.
Bake the dough in a pan for about 35-40 minutes.
材料 (Ingredients)
さつまいも Sweet potato 1本
砂糖 Sugar 適当 (たぶん20~30gくらい) about 20-30g
無塩バター unsalted butter 30g
卵黄 Egg york 1個
牛乳 Milk 20cc
表面に塗る用たまご1個 (one extra egg)
1. さつまいもを230度のオーブンで40分ほど焼く。竹ぐしをさしてやわらかければOK。
Bake the potato in 420F oven for about 40minutes. Stick a fork to see if it's done.
2. さつまいもは熱いうちに半分に切り、中身をボウルに出してつぶす。
Cut the potato in half and peel the skin while it's still hot. Mash it in a bowl.
*If you want this to be smooth, use strainer and strain well!
3. さつまいもにやわらかくしたバター(溶かしてもいい)、砂糖、卵黄を加えてよく混ぜる。牛乳も加え、よーくまぜる。
Add melted butter, sugar, egg york and milk to the potato and mix well.
4. ポテトを手で丸め、表面にハケで溶き卵を塗り、200度のオーブンで20分ほど焼く。
Shape potato, brush extra egg on top for a shine, and bake them for 20 minutes with 380F.
15cm~18cm Round pan
クリームチーズ Cream Cheese 1箱 220g
卵 Eggs 2
生クリーム Heavy Cream 60ml
牛乳 Milk 40ml
コーンスターチ Corn starch 15g
砂糖 Sugar 75g
バター Butter 30g
レモン汁 Lemon juice 少々 Little bit
Leave cream cheese and butter in room temperature. Preheat the oven at 340F. Separate eggs into yolks and white.
Mix corn starch, heavy cream, and milk in a bowl. Add lemon juice and mix well. Use strainer if needed.
3. クリームチーズを練る。やわらかくなったらバターも加え、よくまざるようにへらで練る。砂糖の半分くらいを混ぜて練る。
Cream butter and cream cheese. Mix well with half of sugar. Cream until soft.
4. 3に卵黄を加えてよくまぜる。さらに2も加えてなめらかになるまで混ぜる。
Add egg yolks into 3. Mix well. Add 2 and mix until smooth.
5. 卵白は砂糖を加えながら7分立てにする。泡だったら4にまず1/3加えてよく混ぜ、さらに残りを加えて泡をつぶさないようにへらで切るようにまぜる。
Beat egg white with the rest of sugar. Stop before it gets very firm. Add 1/3 of meringue into 4, and mix well with a whisk. Then add the rest of meringue. Try not to mix too much and use spatula so do so.
6. 生地を型に流し込み、お湯をはった耐熱皿に浮かべて、オーブンで約1時間焼く。
Put 5 into the pan. Prepare a deep dish with hot water and then float the pan in it. Bake it for about 1 hour.